Nicole Poell Psy.D.
Nicole Poell Psy.D.
Psychologist, Therapist, Psychotherapy, Therapy, Therapist in Oakland, Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, PTSD, ADHD, Grief, Loss, Addiction, Substance Abuse, Sexuality, Transitions


Path to a meaningful life

Join my ACT groups to help you connect to a community and find a path to a more fulfilling, vital life. In this trying time of social isolation and external barriers to living life more fully, it is even more important to stay connected to what matters as well as to each other. My group can help you do just that.

Hope to hear from you soon!



“I liked being able to see how others were dealing with their issues and to try to relate to it. The meditations in the beginning were also helpful.”

~Former ACT Group Client


I invite you to an 8-week virtual Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) group, where you will learn to cultivate a new relationship with your internal experiences in order to live a more meaningful, vital and full life. Maybe you feel stressed; maybe you struggle with physical symptoms because of her depression/anxiety, maybe you feel stuck or trapped; maybe you feel alone or lonely; maybe you feel overwhelmed by what’s going on right now in the world; maybe you want to learn how to manage your feelings better. In this group, you will have the opportunity to find support and be part of a community in addition to learning skills that will help you get unstuck and move toward a live worth living.

The group will include

  • Didactic / Psychoeducation

  • Mindfulness and experiential exercises

  • Discussions

  • Assignments to foster integration of skills

What you can expect

  • Learn to have a different relationship with your internal experiences

  • Clarify your values in order to cultivate motivation toward change

  • Set goals that are meaningful and help you live a full life

  • Learn to increase self-awareness

  • Learn skills to manage difficult thoughts and feelings

  • Learn that you are not alone!

Life is a journey, and if you fall in love with the journey, you will be in love forever.
— Peter Hagerty


I invite you to an ongoing virtual Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Process group, where you will apply ACT skills in an interpersonal setting. This group requires that you are familiar with the ACT processes and are trying to apply them in your daily life. The ACT Process Group will help you connect with others as well as explore how you are getting stuck in life.

What you can expect from this process group

  • Be in touch with your feelings and learn how to hold them lightly

  • Give you practice at being present in the moment, with yourself and others, thus entering a state of pure awareness

  • Learn how your thoughts are impacting your life

  • Learn to be vulnerable and open as well as take in support and caring from others

  • Learn new perspectives

  • Recognize when you are disconnected from your values

  • Develop your capacity for compassion for self and others

  • Learn that you are not alone!



Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday evenings as soon as the minimum number of attendees is met




$600 for the eight-week course. $75/session with a monthly commitment for the ongoing ACT Process group. I have two sliding fee spots available.



As of December 2019, there are over 300 ACT Randomized Controlled Trials and over 45 peer reviewed assessments of the ACT evidence base. ACT has shown efficacious in inpatient, outpatient, group settings, primary care and non-clinical settings such as workplace, sports and schools. SAMHSA (Substance abuse and mental health services administration) lists ACT as empirically supported method as part of its National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices [NREPP]. VA/DOD clinical practice guideline for the management of major depressive disorder recommends ACT as a "first-line treatment for uncomplicated mild to moderate MDD"[Major Depressive Disorder], citing the research evidence for this recommendation as "strong" (2016). To learn more about ACT: ACBS